We will make it happen!

Gosh! I’m a bit late to write a post here, but I spent January with my family and friends in Brazil.
Today, I want to talk about how I started—actually, restarted—my project last year. As I mentioned before (see my Collection #1 page), I designed a collection years ago…
I work in a corporate business, and I really enjoy my job—the company, the multicultural atmosphere, and the colleagues who have become my friends. Last year, I was expecting a promotion, and in April, it was put on hold. I felt frustrated. Instead of dwelling on that feeling, I decided to transform that energy in something creative.
That’s when I started my bag project. I researched, created mood boards, did some designs, and worked on an action plan. I had no idea on how to make it happened, but things started falling into place.
A colleague offered me her sewing machine and I borrow it for a while, At the same time I attended a workshop through my company, where I discovered Yodomo—a research and innovation lab in East London focused on textile reuse. They offer various workshops, and I’m planning to take their bag-making course. If you haven’t heard of them, I highly recommend checking them out! 😊
This journey has been a joy—I’m learning and challenging myself every step of the way. And guess what? By the end of the year, I finally got my promotion! Work has been super busy, which is why it took me so long to write here (not an excuse—just life! 😂).
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to keep working on my personal projects, even if only in small steps. The important thing is to keep going!
What about you? Do you have a project or goal that’s been on your list for a while? What do you need to get started? Take that first step, shift your energy, and things will start happening! 🚀
Sara P